The Center for Media and Democracy has been exposing hidden corporate influence, political plutocrats, climate deniers, and insurrectionists for more than 30 years. In light of current threats to American democracy and a century of progress, our work is more important now than ever.
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The Center for Media and Democracy is a charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under section 501(c)(3). TIN: 39-1777402.
Pursuant to the 1933 Tax Act, no goods or services have been provided in exchange for your donation.
CMD is a nationally recognized watchdog group that has been researching and exposing the undue influence of powerful special interests on our democracy for 30 years. Our in-depth, award-winning investigations and exposés have pulled the curtain back on numerous cases of public corruption and corporate manipulation of public policy, elections, and the media, and our publicly available research has made CMD a go-to source for thousands of journalists, educators, reform groups, and citizen activists who are working to build a more sustainable future, a more just society and a democracy that works for all. CMD is reader-supported, so please make your generous, tax-deductible gift today.
Thank you!
Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010
Madison, WI 53725-9010
(608) 260-9713
The Center for Media and Democracy relies on the generosity of concerned citizens like you to help keep our work alive and thriving. We do not accept donations from the government or for-profit corporations. So your gift is vital to our being able to uncover spin, get out the truth, and help make the world a better place.
Without your help, we would not be able to shine a light on PR propaganda or provide the real story about the names behind the news and some of the most complex public policy issues of the day. We would also not be able to sustain the kind of in-depth research and analysis that we publish on our websites ExposedbyCMD, SourceWatch, ALEC Exposed, Insurrection Exposed, SFOF Exposed, and the Anti-Protest Lobby Tracker.
If you'd like to host a meeting in your community about the issues we are covering or how people can pierce through the veil of secrecy about the names behind the news, please send a note at: editor AT prwatch.org. Thank you again for your contribution! We really truly do appreciate it!
- Team CMD
P.S. CMD is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN #39-1777402. Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010 • Madison, Wisconsin 53725
Phone: 608-260-9713